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Des Kilomètres de Vie en Rose

In the heat of a Californian summer and fall, I turned my attention to small, ordinary things that constitute life with a kid - playing with pumpkins and rocks, a chocolate cake, waiting for the delivery truck, bike tours in the suburbs, grocery shopping, growing seeds, a boat tour on the bay, waiting for Halloween. I wanted to turn my Rolleiflex camera to these tiny, incidental, and invisible moments where the world is reduced to an expression, a game, a cry. Domestic life has not been much photographed - yet even its slow, ordinary, dull moments can turn beautiful in black and white photography. This is life unedited, raw, and real.
(This series continues below, in Winter)
"D'estrade en estrade j'ai fait danser tant de malentendus, des kilomètres de vie en rose" (Alain Bashung, La nuit je mens, 1998).

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